Gramin Punarnirman Sansthan

A civil society organization committed to the development of women belonging to Dalit and marginalized sections of the society

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About the Organisation

Gramin Punarnirman Sansthan

Is an issue based voluntary organization, working from a rights-based approach. We strongly believe in and promote networks and alliances for advocacy on the rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities.

Our organization has been proactive in facilitating community-based organizations and strengthening them to collectively demand for their basic rights.

Awarded the Community Champion Award on Family Planning by UP Cabinet Minister-Health




Gram Panchayats




Beneficiary Families

Our Work

Stories from the Field

Our Work

Major Activities Conducted by Us over the Years

Community Health

GPS recognizes that women’s health is severely affected by the lack…

Girl Icon Programme

GPS implemented Girl Icon Fellowship Programme in…

Advocacy for Public Sector Services

Access to safe abortion services is an important matter of…

Quality Education

BSHA is a state level network working on enhancing the…

Child Rights and Development

Coalition on Child Rights and Development (CCRD) is an initiative on…

Sustainable Agriculture

GPS has demonstrated Zinc fortified variety of wheat in…

Videos from the Field

Community Members Speak in Front of Camera