Child Rights and Development
Coalition on Child Rights and Development (CCRD) is an initiative on which PHIA Foundation is working with 14 CSOs in developing the citizen report, improving basic requirements under grievance redressal, and improving student –teacher ratio, under the Har Bachha School Mein campaign. GPS is also one of the partner organizations in it. We are collectively working on the issues related to child rights and development, inclusive quality education to ensure the overall development of children, and reduction in school dropout rate.
The programme aims at promoting and strengthening a strong alliance on child rights in Uttar Pradesh through an association of civil society organizations, like minded networks, academicians, individuals, and private sector agencies. It also works to ensure holistic rights of children through alliance building of CSOs and other stakeholders in 14 districts of Uttar Pradesh. We as one of the partners is working in five select government primary schools of Azamgarh district.