Sunita, residing in Azamgarh district, learnt her economic rights during a training course on Social and Economic Rights, Participation and Management Skills. She was told that economic rights were continuation of human rights, and they enabled one to live with dignity and participate in society. She was also told that social rights guaranteed economic, educational and health rights. They guaranteed the right to work with dignity and other social guarantees and provided independence and wellbeing to the people.
After three training sessions, she got confident about her social and economic rights. She shared with a worker of the organization that she and other people of the village were yet to get the honorarium related to toilets. The worker suggested the group wrote an application to the authority concerned and give the same to the authority concerned in the block office. The group complied. It wrote an application which was signed by president and secretary of the group. They visited the local block office. Within 10 days, they got honorarium of ₹18,000 for two months and remaining ₹54,000 within two months. The honorarium was pending for two months.