Better Wheat Crop Through Organic Farming

This is the story of a woman farmer Sangita, residing in Azamgarh district. Going was tough for the family of six members, dependent on just 0.18 acre of agricultural land. Produce from such a small piece of agricultural land could not feed six people, and input cost was high. Her husband worked as a daily wager to add to the kitty of the family.

Sangita got associated with Pragati Women Farmers’ Group, having 25 members, as secretary. During a training, she learnt newer organic methods of farming. She realized if she switched over to organic farming and shunned use of chemical fertilizers, her input cost would reduce, and she would get better produce for the family.

She got training and kit from Gramin Punarnirman Sansthan in production of organic manure. She gathered husk, jaggery, straw, etc., and produced organic manure. She learnt row sowing of wheat and water efficient irrigation technique from Krishi Vigyan Kendra Azamgarh.

After discussion with her family members, she sowed wheat with happy seeder machine and used organic manure. The first wheat crop using new technique was very good. She had decided that she will use the same technique in future as well.