Human and Physical Resources

Human Resource

Full time – 21 (Female 11, Male 10)
Volunteers – 25

Physical Resource

  • Land and building: Own
  • Computer:  5 (2 with Internet facility)
  • Printer: 3
  • Stabilizer: 1
  • Inverter set: 2
  • Generator: One
  • Table: 8
  • Chairs: 33
  • Office Area: 1450 sq.ft
  • Motorcycle: 6
  • Cycle: 15
  • Phone: 05465-227130
  • Furniture and fixture: Fan-4, Camera-4
  • Training equipment: Flash cards, Flip board, Charts, Module
  • Communication material: Puppets, Audio System, Film CDs & Cassette, LCD Projector
  • Literature: Small collection of research papers, on women health, Violence Against Women, Reproductive health, and Active participation of men on women health, guidelines and material related to entrepreneurship.