Vision, Mission and Objectives


To realize the dream of a developed and self-dependent rural community that is empowered to achieve Gram Swaraj (rural self-governance) in its true sense.


Gramin Punarnirman Sansthan believes in the dignity of the people and their capacity to overcome the pressures that exploit them. Therefore, our mission is to develop autonomous groups to achieve the objective of development and self-reliance through capacity building.


  • Empowerment of rural community for self-dependence (Gram Swaraj)
  • To make people aware about their rights by ensuring multifaceted development.
  • To make endeavours for self-dependency on rural and urban bodies towards governance.
  • To make aware the marginalized people belonging to urban and rural bodies about the government schemes of health, hygiene, nutrition, and education through capacity building.
  • To address the issues like agriculture, disaster management, primary education, gender-based violence and violence against women, early childcare and development and other rights-based issues.